EMDR Therapy

I offer Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) to my Clients seeking help with past trauma, a recent traumatic event, PTSD, and/or to help let go of fears they may have such as as that of flying, public speaking, or any fear related to attachment in relationship.

EMDR therapy helps to release traumatic memories. Through bilateral stimulation, the nervous system can be accessed and the mind and body are better able to digest traumatic experiences and unconscious material. Many people feel a huge relief after just a few sessions of EMDR.

During EMDR, I hold a safe space for the Client to go back in time to a specific traumatic memory or fear and help them move the trigger from the memory from high to low or no trigger at all.

I teach my Clients resourcing, which they can also do on their own outside of therapy. Resourcing helps increase coping skills, strengthens inner resources, regulates emotions, soothes the nervous system, decreases anxiety, helps with better sleep, and can be used as a form of mindfulness.

EMDR therapy can also be used as a way to help a Client prepare for a situation of which they are afraid. Examples include an interview, an uncomfortable conversation, and any event about which they are nervous. Using an EMDR modality called the “sphere,” both in session and on their own, a Client is able to feel grounded and emotionally prepared for the future event.

I received my EMDR training from the Parnell Institute, which focuses on attachment styles. Attachment-focused EMDR therapy helps to heal relational trauma from early wounds. It also helps Clients develop a more secure attachment style in relationships.